Another Linkedin Q&A response regarding cold calling intro scripts. Enjoy and I am still waiting for your opinions.
Cold Calling Experts...This One's For YOU!
I haven't "cold-called" since college, but I believe in my new initiative so much that I am calling around to Business Owners, Company Presidents and CEOs to tell them about it! Here's the outline for my script:
- Intro that gets their attention.
- Time commitment (Not even sure we should be talking...Got 30 seconds?)
- 30,000 foot overview of the benefits of what I am offering
- Testimonial as to what this can do for them
- This is not right for everyone, nor is everyone who wants to participate going to be invited.
- Invitation to go to the next step Results thus far are good, but I am looking to Emeralize this and "Kick It Up A Notch - - BAM!!!".
Let me hear from you if you've got experience with successful cold calling (Please no "If the planets line up just right and you hop on one foot and..."!!!).
Here is my intro:
Hi, This is Ed with Company A, did I catch you at a good time?
Yes--> Cool, if you have a minute for something like this then I'll take less...
No--> Cool, we are not familiar so would it make sense to put some info in your hands to give you a context when we talk again?
Yes--> What's your email and by the way, Company A does... I was directed to you as the best person to speak with about... am I in the right place?
Yes--> I know the timing isnt right now but if you could think about what hurts in this area it would give me something to shoot at.
(To first Yes) Company A does... I was directed to you as the best person to speak with about... am I in the right place?
Yes--> I want to respect your time and be brief so could you tell me a bit about... (qualifying questions)
If the prospect is answering questions then you have accomplished your task successfully because your objective for the cold call should be to qualify interest in... or out.
Your time is more valuable than theirs on the front end because you are spending it (not making money in most cases) calling so do not let anyone waste it. There is a strong confidence you must have in undertaking any cold calling effort (that you want to end successfully) so strap up when you pick up the phone.
As a parting note, there are 4 C's to effective cold calling:
One leads to the other but they all work together to build successful habits in this (or any) area of expertise.
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